Kitty2201 May 2, 2015 Oh ok, sorry about that, hopefully you'll find him again once you've cycled through 16 villagers
Kitty2201 Apr 30, 2015 I'm back on now, I'll be on for about an hour or so before I go to bed, if I can't get to her tonight I can hold onto Papi for tomorrow
I'm back on now, I'll be on for about an hour or so before I go to bed, if I can't get to her tonight I can hold onto Papi for tomorrow
Kitty2201 Apr 30, 2015 Hey, were you still looking for Papi? He is moving out of my cycle town. Also just a quick question, you said you had him before? Have you cycled 16 villagers since he moved?
Hey, were you still looking for Papi? He is moving out of my cycle town. Also just a quick question, you said you had him before? Have you cycled 16 villagers since he moved?