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  • So I saw your VM about violet screens..
    I've not been on in quite awhile, so I'm sorry, this is very late.. ;-;
    I was wondering if you still have them?
    i have your flowers. i have to leave. but i will be back in 3 hours. i will keep ur flowers safe
    OverRatedcx - Order ready
    Classic set
    bed 2520
    bookcase 2560
    buffet 3360
    carpet 2300
    chair 1800
    clock 2180
    desk 2200
    sofa 2240
    table 1600
    vanity 2560
    wallpaper 2100
    wall shelf 2400
    wardrobe 2560 = 30,380 + fee = 40,000
    oh, awesome!! thank you, I'll be online after school today, so around 5pm PST :)!
    Hey! c: Would you still be interested in trading white cosmos? ^^
    edit: nevermind, found another white cosmos c: Thank you though! :D
    Oh! I was just wondering if I could use your Shampoodle, but I unlocked it around an hour ago. :D
    Thank you! :3 I really hope that this will help me with finding a new school when I graduate....I hope this pleases them....
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