That Marshal Fangirl Jun 21, 2019 Oof, for some reason I never saw your message! No, I don't think I will be because I'm broke and also I'm in college so the Switch would be at my house 99% of the time. :/
Oof, for some reason I never saw your message! No, I don't think I will be because I'm broke and also I'm in college so the Switch would be at my house 99% of the time. :/
That Marshal Fangirl Jun 17, 2019 Not bad! New Horizons seems exciting but since I don't have a Switch I haven't been paying much attention. How are you doing?
Not bad! New Horizons seems exciting but since I don't have a Switch I haven't been paying much attention. How are you doing?
Wildtown Jun 13, 2019 wondering if youd part with any of your collectibles? also welcome back! i never knew u but u like stitches i like stitches therefore we are friends xD
wondering if youd part with any of your collectibles? also welcome back! i never knew u but u like stitches i like stitches therefore we are friends xD
A r i a n e Nov 13, 2017 hi! here's your update: there's no need to pay btw ;)