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  • Thank you for the Blue Feather Pandapples, I really appreciate it! :D I just sent you the other Blue Feather! :)
    Hey Pandapples, after looking at the dates of everything you have, the Blue Feather is the only one I will be able to trade at the moment since I know you want to keep this gorgeous feather lineup all 2016 timestamps and in a desired order (I'll send the Blue Feather your way as soon as I receives yours if this timestamp trade is agreeable to you my friend)! ;)

    If you ever want to sell the lineup in the future though, I definitely would be interested for sure because I love the sequence of all the timestamps! :)

    I hope you are doing very well today my friend and I look forward to hearing from you soon! :D
    Hey Pandapples, my friend, after looking at the timestamps and knowing that you want to retain a rainbow-like sequence (red, yellow, green, blue, pink, white), it appears to be that we can trade Blue Feathers without changing the ordering (since my Blue Feather has a timestamp of 08-27-2016 10:50 AM) which works perfect for me since I am in need of a older Blue Feather (I would trade for the newer Yellow Feather too, but that would throw the ordering off unfortunately)! :D If this sounds good to you my friend, feel free to go ahead and send the Blue Feather my way and I'll send the one I have currently your way as soon as I see the notification! :) I hope you are doing really well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D
    Hey Pandapples, my friend! :D Just out of curiosity, what is the timestamp of your 2016 Yellow Feather and 2016 Blue Feather? I recently managed to get a 2016 Blue Feather! :D Unfortunately though, the Blue Feather is a little newer than my Yellow Feather. lol The solution is to either get a newer Yellow Feather or get a older Blue Feather. The timestamp of the Yellow Feather is 08-27-2016 07:00 AM and I'm in need of one that is newer than 08-27-2016 10:50 AM for this solution. For the 2016 Blue Feather, the timestamp is 08-27-2016 10:50 AM and I am in need of one older than 08-27-2016 07:00 AM to solve the problem with this particular approach. Would any of these work for you my friend without compromising your rainbow feather lineup you mentioned in our last PM? :) I hope you are doing really well and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D

    (Couldn't send a PM because of the inbox being full.)
    Hi! I'll be available for the next 2 hours. Let me know when you're on! Also. Should I pay you before or after?
    great! ill have to trade with someone else real quick and then i can come over c:
    Hi c:
    Im Online now and the next few hours.
    Let me know when you are Online again c:
    thank you so so much for helping both me and my friend get our dreamies!! have a good day!! <3
    aaa thank you very much!! my fc is 4055-6343-1737, mayor asuma of amnesia. i'm free anytime today! i'll send 25 tbt once more?
    I'm sorry, it's really resisting to connect now, maybe we could try again tomorrow and I'll try and figure it out in the mean time?
    hello again, sorry to bother you so soon after jeremiah, but i just realized i thought i might be able to buy wolfgang from you as well! i understand if it's only available per person, but i thought i might give it a shot if he is available. sorry again and thanks for your time! :eek:
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