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  • you can wall ride???? WHAT IS THIS BLASHEMPY

    I haven't either! Played her the first time and LOL the funniest thing happened i was so bad. Realized what the hero was about later and now I literally rock her. her turrets are so annoying for the enemy team lmao i love pissing them off
    YES ur amazing too \o/

    LUCIO IS SO MUCH MORE BETTER he's actually a super fun character as opposed to mercy. Well she's super good at healing but I feel lucio is better for most maps especially attack ones since he heals a lot of players at once. I like Symmetra tho
    JUST CURIOUS because your signature art was so good

    I just tried d va and I got 0 deaths and 11 eliminations :'D
    That would be great! Do you currently have her? I do not have anyone in boxes in her town...but I can always take her in my cycle when necessary.

    BTW: a friend of mine is looking for eggs. The cheap easter one, Candy, Waluigi & Yoshi. You have any to sell? Yoshi is his priority. ForgottenT is his name here.
    Panda! I got her a stripper bun! Thanks for letting me know! She wants Coco now as well. Sigh...teenagers...
    hi! i'm interested in soleil, but can you give me a bit until i come and get her? just found out lucky is moving in, and i want to make sure he's fully moved in before i come to get soleil.
    ah well im enjoying the wheeling and dealing and looking for bargains part (sound like any games/forums we kinow?). haha. and the combat, i likes the fighting part...

    hey you ever find your party popper?
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