yeh, same here, i havent experienced the egghunt yet either. the other day i found the archived one from last year, and the clues were uh not very connected to the answers to say the least...
hmmm, let me know what you think re Justin's comment on the re-stocks thread re possible 'something different' event that may come soon. maybe they really are thinking about St. Patrick's Day! or... Leap Day, perhaps....
I'm sure by saterday I'll be ready but you have to continue cycling so I guess just let Butch go... Can I still keep my lurking for him though? To make sure he comes back?
i do (well except for dark candy). ya the boxes were great! so christmassy. i guess nothings going on, unless they do an egghunt next month for easter. temporary shamrocks in the shop on st. patrick's day would be fun.
sold my choco cake, and bought a blue candy with tha proceeds. now i just need a birthstone when my birthday rolls around, and then reunite with chocolate cake again one day. ah, i wish we could sell these christmas dolls...