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  • Yeah I know right? O: Has this studio made anything fancy? I've heard of Free!, though idk if that's something I'd enjoy.

    Yeah, great way to pass a Sunday.. rip panda. Well at least it wasn't too busy, so hopefully it wasn't that bed.

    I bet you're snoozing rn, hope you're having a fancy dream in dreamland lmao.
    Welp, Chester's first lurker is adopting them now. At least you didn't have to wait long to find out! I hope you get him soon, he's so adorable!
    Yep! But they could reply at any time to say that they no longer need him or don't have room. So keep your eyes peeled :D
    Hi there! Chester is in boxes in my cycling town. You're his second lurker, so if his first lurker doesn't claim him, he's all yours.
    Yeah a friend of mine really loves it and talking about it with her all the time made me adore the characters, haha. Though again I fell in love with the characters in the first episode itself.

    I will! Haha I'm watching episode 2 right now while eating lays. Great way to pass a Sunday. What're you up to
    Ah was the pacing too slow for you? A lot of people seemed to have quit it in the middle.
    Sure no problem! I've gotta go grab my other game cart and drop the bells then I'll let you in to pick them up :) Just drop by whenever you can!
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