sailormoons Nov 11, 2017 thank you so much! i'm ready now and will be online for the next 5-6 hours c:
Ankhakitty Nov 11, 2017 I'm sorry to cancel on you, but someone else gave me her instead. Sorry, my bad for bothering you at all..
I'm sorry to cancel on you, but someone else gave me her instead. Sorry, my bad for bothering you at all..
thisistian Nov 11, 2017 Hey! Can I pick up Poppy for 30 TBT? I'm available either today or tomorrow at 6:00pm-7:00pm.
sailormoons Nov 11, 2017 great! i'm GMT and i'll be online all day today, until about 1am tomorrow c:
thatpuppycat Nov 10, 2017 Added you! Let me know when its convenient and okay to pick her up. Would you like me to give you the tbt now or later? And how much did you want for her?
Added you! Let me know when its convenient and okay to pick her up. Would you like me to give you the tbt now or later? And how much did you want for her?