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  • Hi, I'm only contacting you about this because I'm available now, but could I please request Zucker? Thank you, was it 30tbt that you wanted?
    I'm just plot resetting now, but I'll be ready to come pick up Tucker in maybe...ten to fifteen minutes?
    Hiya. Know you're not as active on the forums anymore, but I was wondering if I could get Tucker from you? Will send the bells asap and am available pretty much whenever. :)
    At the time I was looking for Nate, but last week someone moved so now my town is full. I’m glad you’re doing ok even if you’re inactive on the forum, I hope one day you’ll come back! (i have long inactive periods as well.) see you soon! ^_^
    Hello, Panda! Yes, I was able to, thank you so much <3
    Will still need some villagers for Sundance eventually, though >v<
    Hi, Panda! If you have time and are available in the next days, I'd like to adopt a villager - Annalise the snotty horse. She's the very last one I need and Hangzhou's villagers will be all completed :) Thank you :>
    Hi Pandapples! I was wondering if you're still selling villagers? Seems like there's not been much activity on the villager plaza from most of the cycling towns!
    hey! are you still able to offer Marshal? Hamlet or Dizzy is ok, too, but I'm mainly looking for Marsh :)
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