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  • awesome! were both added now, so just lmk when you are ready for me to come over love ~
    yeah, it should be fine, I just checked the router and it seems ok
    Yeah I think it was probably on my side, my wifi's been a bit spotty lately
    Hi there! ^^ I was wondering if you know who drew your avatar and/or signature? They are such cuties!!
    thank you! I haven't played Animal Crossing in a very long time, so at the beginning I was having a bit of trouble figuring out how to say hi :,) again, thank you very much!
    Hey, I'm interested in buying Ketchup from your villager thread, I'll be available basically all time tonight and anytime after 5 PM EST tomorrow :D
    hello!! yes, I'm available now! thank you so much! just let me know when you're ready and I'll head over!!
    hi! i asked for Bianca on your villager thread. im here to let you know i will be available an hour from when you last posted on that thread :)
    hello! I was the one looking for Merengue! ^^ just letting you know I'll be around for another hour or two! thanks!
    GMT+1, so that'd be around midnight for me, which I should something I can deal with. When's an okay moment for you?
    Alright, thanks much for the clarification! In that case, I'm super interested in getting Molly from you if possible. I believe that would make it 15TBT for me as I've only joined recently? ;u;
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