nbkid May 7, 2017 I only have room for one at the moment! Could I get the other when I have someone moved out?
Rabirin May 7, 2017 Sorry for the late reply! I'm available now and I will be for the rest of the day.
cloverette May 7, 2017 hey, could i get naomi for 20 tbt? i should be available tonight to pick her up! (also, just to clarify she is original right?)
hey, could i get naomi for 20 tbt? i should be available tonight to pick her up! (also, just to clarify she is original right?)
B B birbyman May 7, 2017 Would you mind if we don't sort out Rudy tonight? I have another villager moving in to, so o might not have the time (very sorry)
Would you mind if we don't sort out Rudy tonight? I have another villager moving in to, so o might not have the time (very sorry)
deerliing May 6, 2017 yea, hope so too :c if he stops appearing in my main street does that mean i can get him to move back btw?
yea, hope so too :c if he stops appearing in my main street does that mean i can get him to move back btw?