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  • Maybe. I will see how busy I am, but i bet ill have time. So, I ended up loving marshall. I did the villager reset trick and he plopped his spot down right next to me. At first I was going to give him to someone but now he is mine lol. (of course, I still have my unicorn, Julian.)
    Hey. Long time no talk. I saw a post of yours on here and it reminded me that you lurk the bell tree aswell. So, how are you?
    I'm sorry I had to go to my little sisters basketball practice which I didn't expect. Could you please reopen your gates?
    probably just hold to see if anyone else has a good price later (or if I get something decent in my own town of course)

    even if I sell Saturday afternoon, I've already made more than enough of a profit to counter whatever the loss would be. though of course, full profit would obviously be best
    it always is (my isp is the ****tiest **** tier of the **** tiers)

    try one more time and if that fails, 30mins or so?
    for the record I basically just said "later" since I figured there would probably already be a line
    I'll need to load up, but I'm basically good to go now. (added fc in sidebar, unless its another one)

    so long as my internet doesn't crap out
    hey, can I come sell turnips later?

    also, if it's not too much trouble, could I take 2 trips. the second won't be as long, I promise (should only be about 1/3 a locker)
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