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  • hey! I have a yellow candy from 2013

    i can trade you it for one of your yellow candies to put the popsicle in the middle if you would like?
    You really don't need to offer me a full refund. Just 150. Keep 50 for your troubles, and for being so nice :) I hope I can get this problem figured out soon! >.<
    I have Roald leaving from my town if you're still interested. You can have him for free.
    If you keep it open, I'll keep trying to visit every now and then. Thanks again for being so patient and nice! :)
    Yeah that's one of the ones I followed. But it's not exactly like that situation. I have always had spotty connectivity. It will connect sometimes, and sometimes (more often) it won't. I have a DMZ setup, with the nintendo subnet mask, my firewalls for my router and my internet are both down, and UPnP is enabled on both as well. I'm completely at a loss as for what to do next except keep trying to connect at different times and hope I get through. :(
    I get the 018-0512 error connecting to partner's device. From what I've read, it's a problem with the router, especially Belkin routers like mine. Apparently it has something to do with the router configuration, but I have done all the router reconfiguration walkthroughs I can find and they haven't worked.
    I restarted both the router and my 3DS before I VMed you that it wasn't working. Last time, I tried repeatedly for about 30mins until the girl got really mad that I wasn't responding to her enough. I never got through. I think I will just have to get a new router. What kind do you have? Does it work well connecting to people?
    It's still not really sucks because this is the third time my stupid router has kept me from a dreamie... Oh well. I guess just give me back 150tbt and you can keep 50 for being so nice and patient with me. Thanks, I really appreciate it and I'm sorry I wasn't able to get her :(
    I tried again, and it still wasn't working. I'll VM you in a couple of hours and we can try again. Thanks for being so patient and understanding!! *huggles*
    If you want to reopen then we can try that but from my experience it doesn't help. I have a belkin router and it's a POS so it doesn't always work. But it might in a couple of hours. That's the only way I've seen it work after I get the initial error message. :(
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