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  • yup ofc! i'd already ordered the other two plants before realizing, so they're coming anyway. :)
    oh yikes wait you got those hehe sorry i got confused. i can get you a fan palm!
    just found a lady palm and pothos in my catalog! i can order those for you as well!
    ooh ok, so how about a total of 15 tbt? (1 tbt for each orderable and 5 tbt each for the crown and the books?)
    i'll let you know when they're all delivered! :)
    i have:
    - stack of books
    - leaf
    - leaf umbrella
    - crown
    - minimalist ottoman
    - tapestry

    i'll have to order some of these from my catalog though, so i can deliver these in 4-ish hours (if you're chill with waiting) :blush:

    it's one unorderable and 5 orderables, but the crown (which is orderable) is really expensive, so what do you think is a good price?
    ofc! i'll check it out- no guarantees i'll have stuff, but i'll try my best! hehe
    ooh nice! good luck :) starting over must be super exciting, but it's a lot of work hehe
    just lmk if you ever need any gardening/furniture stuff, because i might be able to help :blush: it's great to have this forum, though, because people sell anything and everything here :')
    hi! if you still need, i can get you the lady palm, pothos, and minimalist sofa!
    Well, I'll see if I'll be able to trade in th next hour, I'm not sure about my plans. Thanks! :)
    Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I ended up falling asleep for most of the afternoon lol
    lmk when youre free and you can pick up the mushrooms c:
    Hi! Not for now sorry, my shop is closed for the week-end but I'll reopen next week and you're welcome to order when I do :)
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