peppy villager Jul 7, 2015 ok! I'll add you and send the BTB shortly. let me know when your town is open! <:
peppy villager Jul 7, 2015 will you be on later today/tonight? i can't trade right now but i am still interested in them!
Raviuchiha Jul 6, 2015 Sorry i wasnt online when you messaged me. Im still interested though. When can we trade? Im available today and all day trw
Sorry i wasnt online when you messaged me. Im still interested though. When can we trade? Im available today and all day trw
MardyBum Jul 2, 2015 Got your order, I will be checking periodically today to check whenever you're online. But if you want things faster, you may also PM me so I can be notified quickly so we can trade. Thanks and good day. c:
Got your order, I will be checking periodically today to check whenever you're online. But if you want things faster, you may also PM me so I can be notified quickly so we can trade. Thanks and good day. c: