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  • the cute thing is the art you use in your signature kind of looks like you! especially the one by peoyne
    oh Genetics? that subject seems fascinating, also sounds like a lot of work & studying for you! I'm assuming you're studying human genetics? or does your major cover plants and animals as well? that's cool that you have a little time to play again, I'm sure it's a nice break from studying. oh and a foresty theme sounds nice, I think those look the best. I'm not going to go crazy with the plot resetting, I've seen some peoples town where the villagers are perfectly lined up in an area, I just don't want them moving directly in front of my house or other buildings.
    aw that sucks. what's your major? my town is coming along... I'm still working on landscaping and want to redo my house. The last couple days I've been trying to get PWP requested - ugh that is taking so long. I have 4 characters so I need to delete one to do plot resetting, I've never done it before, so the villagers always move into the worst spots! What about you, I know you said you stopped because you were busy with uni, but have you started playing again?
    I think you're ahead of me haha. Do we have each other added on PSN? If not, mind if I add you?
    I've never played the second either. I watched a friend play part of it but could never find it for under £70. :(
    And lucky!!!
    It's taken me until now to realise who you are since the username change. Oops. Did you hear about Dark Cloud 2?
    hey peter! do they call the ABD something different in the UK version? i was trading with someone earlier in my town and they had no clue what i was talking about when i said they could use the ABD lol
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