Hi there! Would you be willing to come and do drop off? I'm currently hosting in my town to let another user pick up bells in my town.
Otherwise, it may be a while before I can come to your town. Is that okay with you? Sorry for the trouble.
I'm so sorry! I seem to keep missing you!
Would you be able to designate a time so that you and I will both be online?
I'll be online from now until about 11:45PM EST
Hello! I wasn't available when you posted this as it was 1:21AM in the morning for me and I was already sleeping.
If you're available tonight like you were last night for me, please let me know!
I'm usually online around 10PM EST
hi so sorry ii missed you, ended up leaving to go grocery shopping.. ill be on for awhile again now.. if ii dont catch you ill be available alday tomorrow!! lmk if there is a certain time you would like to meet! tysm
Also, what's the TBT timezone? Since mine is set to my own timezone in settings, I get this message: All times are GMT -2. The time now is 04:00 AM. XD