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  • This whole discussion is amusing to me for some reason.

    Also, you have to admit, even if you're lesbian, or a straight male, Takumi and Laslow are hawt.
    And I'm a straight male, but yeah, I know there's someone out there for me. thanks for the kind words :)
    Anonymous: A while ago me and a couple of other people were talking about warnings we had gotten about post quality (we weren't acting mad about it, just saying "oh I got one warning for post quality wbu""oh I got two I'm dumb lol") and as far as I know none of us got any sort of warning, infraction or ban about it? Was it because we weren't talking about infractions, or we we weren't getting angry about it with the mods, or because it was just about post quality and nothing more serious? Do you know?
    Anonymous: A while ago me and a couple of other people were talking about warnings we had gotten about post quality (we weren't acting mad about it, just saying "oh I got one warning for post quality wbu""oh I got two I'm dumb lol") and as far as I know none of us got any sort of warning, infraction or ban about it? Was it because we weren't talking about infractions, or we we weren't getting angry about it with the mods, or because it was just about post quality and nothing more serious? Do you know?
    Hi there! I added you on twitter for Miitomo! - https://twitter.com/iFancy1993
    I'd be very happy if you follow back, so we can add each other ingame ^^

    Also, I saw something you wrote in the thread.
    I am not 100% sure if it will all get deleted or not work anymore, when the "real" game comes out.
    Because mine is EVEN in german and it says: if you already added a NNID, THEN it gets deleted, when you add a new one.
    But I didn't yet - so I think, it could be possible, that we can just continue with the game :D
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