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  • Oooh. I'm taking AP classes as well and if you're getting a B in AP that's a A in regular classes so you're okay if you struggle lol, that's the purpose so no need to worry. If it makes you feel better my report card for RP2 was 2 As? 2 B's and three C's and I'm happy in getting those C cause we do so much extra sht.
    Especially since this is my third marking period, so if you were doing shtty first and second then you need to do really good in third and fourth.
    Depends on the college, you have to see what type of majors they offer. I want to go to Duke because that's where the money is at but I also want to go to a small school because if I go to college like Harvard, I'll have to make literal appointments to meet up with my professor if I don't know anything compared to smaller campus where I can ask right there and he'll be able to "know" me quite more(especially for recommendations).

    This is how minors works
    Say I want to major in biology and minor in media arts
    I can combine both of these to produce something like if I want to study cardiology I can has what I learned in my minor(art) to produce 3d animation of a heart(like one of those corny lol videos your teachers show you). The possibilities are endless. I believe you can have more then one major and minors.

    And it's okay lol to not be motivated right now. I'm not motivated but I have to change that because this is the only time I have to step my game up.
    Depends on what type of model you want to me. It can be a minor if they offer that in NYC but the purpose of that is to expand your knowledge. At least you into books but does your school provides internships? I gotten a intern at my city's main hospital, Mercy. I want to study in cardiology but I also love animations and want to make my own tv series or help develop one with my sister so I can major in biology and minor in media arts. You should look more into schools that can give you more minors.

    If you fear your parents not paying for your college then try earning some scholarships.
    I can give you some site for that. What type of school do you go to and do they care if you're going to college? I'm going to a charter and their top priority is us going to college. Nearly all our graduates went to college, especially this year with our seniors graduating.
    Is being a doctor even what you want to be or are you doing it for the family's name?
    You seem more interested in astethic, modeling, etc
    oooh well I can relate
    I came from a family born in wealth, most didn't even go to college(especially the last generation). I've been told to get good grades so I can go to college since no one in the family hasn't in awhile so it's sorta like a pressure(at first). You kinda sound like one of those kids in my AP classes who preaches about wanting to go to Harvard but you need a solid 4.04 Gpa and you need to score a perfect 2400 on your SAT(800 in math, reading, and biology).
    My Gpa was a solid 4.0 but now it's like a 3.4-3.5. This isn't constant, just for the first marking period and I swear that's like a huge disappointment. The thing is you're not perfect and neither am I. It seems like you're being pressured to do something you don't even want to do, even if you do want to be a doctor you must gain a better stamina to have a better performance and even mindset.
    Nah it's alright I'm the same too..
    But yeah that's good! Any plans for the weekend? c:
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