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  • My notifications kept saying I had a new VM when I didn't, a mod once told me to delete my newest vms to fix it so I had too, I don't even remember what the message was haha.
    I just blocked him on everything i have an account on so things should be okay from now on ^^
    Well he isn't that active anymore but since we broke up, he is acting like i am a jerk and he is the perfect being. He just keeps bugging me with it on Facebook, Whatsapp, Miiverse, Skype, Twitter etc. But i have had enough. If he wants to hate me, fine, then i will say good-bye!
    Hello, just wanted to thank you again as well for the う collectible! Been trying to collect these and you've really helped me out here!

    Thank you very much!
    I know the feels :( and i am doing good, being busy with using the ignore feature on some users here lmao.
    from what

    the sinful hand of the one and only lustful villian that eliminated our dearest and most precious carfax?
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