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  • Sorry , I've been really busy with work lately! Like 8-10 hrs a day. I'm on TBT at work lol. Was wondering if you still needed the items?
    hey^^ if u still need ABD's i sell them 100tbt each, its a rare item and after you i will only have 2 left so VM/PM me if u still want it :>
    How about 20 TBTB total? I'm bad with pricing but I think that places it a bit about 1 M. I like to equate TBTB:ACNL. lol.

    The thing is, is that I won't be able to trade until later? Sorry. I'm about to do a target run!
    Sorry, I need to go! Thanks for trying, though! If she moves into your town though, please let me know!
    I checked all of the shops on the next day, but she's not there. How about I just visit your town, and you check if she moves in? If she doesn't, then we can just stop. :>
    I didnt disconnect but I don't have time for this. I'll give you your bells back but, sorry.
    Okay yay thank you c:
    And go ahead I'll be patient, homework is such a struggle ;u;
    That's good!
    So are you making my pixel mayor ;w; now hehe? When should I send tbt?
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