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  • Oh, I also have villager pics if you're interested. I have Bianca, Big Top, Curly, Skye, and Stitches.
    Oh, please don't worry about giving me anything in return! If it makes you feel a little better and you smile, then that's all I would like :)
    I'm available now. Would you like me to drop it off?
    you can send the 200 btb bells whenever you're available and i'll gift you the popsicle collectible. I'll reserve one for you.
    I understand completely!
    Good luck on your test tomorrow: you can do it! :)
    Don't worry about your balloon--it'll be waiting for you.
    I am sure that I don't want anything for it; it really was out of someone else's kindness that I received it and I want to pass that on to others.
    Just searched around my town & storage and it's not here! Have you found it yet? > w<

    Edit: Getting off for about 30ish minutes, if you still haven't found it, let me know and you can have my mayor's golden shovel since it's just a cycling town now so I don't really need it.
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