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  • omg i didnt realize you were piichinu/shiida until i looked at your NNID just now
    I thought you were banned
    I was really lazy too. x) But now I kind of have no choice because I mainly use a ****ty laptop that can't even run rs3 because of the graphics. ;-; If I ever get a better computer I'll probably play it again though
    Yeah you do unfortunately. :/ I was really reluctant about restarting for years because of that. But I finally gave in late 2015, because a lot of my friends transferred over to oldschool. I think it's worth starting over depending on what year you joined. If you joined 2007 or before, playing osrs is really comfy and nostalgic.
    I mainly play osrs now anyways. It's been awhile since I've played rs3 >.< Added you!
    Same lol. But I'm getting there! And sure, what's your user? Mine is Elov.
    Yep! I love Runescape lol. ^^ I just recently resubbed and took advantage of the summer special deal, so I've been playing a lot lately. So you play too?
    I noticed your new name, but I will always remember when you were bunnee. I still like that name.
    I'm not a racist; you're just the kind of person that turns everything into a matter of racism. You disagree with something, you cry racist because it shuts people up, it shuts threads down and that's easier than having to THINK and form a real response. You're a typical sjw, you're intellectually lazy and act like you're still in middle school, not that you're far from it.

    Go crawl into your little safe space so you don't have to think or read anything that conflicts with your (stupid) viewpoint.
    I'm not a racist; you're just the kind of person that turns everything into a matter of racism. You disagree with something, you cry racist because it shuts people up, it shuts threads down and that's easier than having to THINK and form a real response. You're a typical sjw, you're intellectually lazy and act like you're still in middle school, not that you're far from it.

    Go crawl into your little safe space so you don't have to think or read anything that conflicts with your (stupid) viewpoint.
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