A A AndroGhostX Sep 30, 2018 You are welcome~ Well, I hope to catch you on tomorrow as I should be available sometime. ^.^
A A AndroGhostX Sep 30, 2018 Hey! I'll be delivering the items you ordered from RedTropicalFish's thread~ When can I deliver to you?
Hey! I'll be delivering the items you ordered from RedTropicalFish's thread~ When can I deliver to you?
K K koopasta Sep 27, 2018 Sounds great! EDIT: I'm not actually sure if I need Muffy, just give me a few days to decide! Thanks!
Sounds great! EDIT: I'm not actually sure if I need Muffy, just give me a few days to decide! Thanks!
K K koopasta Sep 23, 2018 That's OK if you can't! I understand how difficult villagers can be in this game.
RedTropicalPeachyFish Sep 21, 2018 It's okay. I may not be around 4 hours later. I'll be able to catch you sometime though.
ali.di.magix Aug 28, 2018 Heya! I've still got Julian ready in my town, so call out if you still want him c: So sorry for the delay ><
Heya! I've still got Julian ready in my town, so call out if you still want him c: So sorry for the delay ><