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  • Hi! Let me know if you're still interested in the blue roses. I'm online often here and
    have time till 10 PM GMT+1. :)
    I am definitely going to look into getting that game and the device to play it on it sound very interesting from what I have read on the forums. I only have my cell phone right now so that's how I got AC Pocket Camp. Started playing in November and I am enjoying it so far. Good luck have a great day talk with you later.
    Hi Belle-Chan

    Thank you for the welcome note. I am trying to learn how to get around in the forum and learning all of the gadgets here. I look forwarding to talking with you and learning about the game. Right now I only have and play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Thanks again. My game name is Jador 5493-5800-727
    I'll be on for the rest of the evening, please let me know when you're free to pick up :)
    Dont worry! I have 2 golden roses and I thinka few white ones. I'll have to check :)
    But dont worry let me know when you can trade
    Hello! I saw you were looking for roses, i have some.i cam gift you and we can trade the dresses once and for all hehe since we havent been able
    great! would you like me to pick up the flowers & mushrooms while i drop off the items for you to catalog real quick or vise-versa?
    hi! I'm sorry but I'm not making any new signatures or orders during the hiatus :/ I still do changes if you need me to change the one you have though?
    hey! let me know whenever you're able to catalog the items & when i can get the flowers; thanks :)
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