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  • Oh my brother was allergic to breast milk, and powder and anything really, it took us months to find something he wouldn't throw back up sigh - I was only 11 at this time but I remember the s t r e s s
    omg that sounds like hell, are those allergies you're still dealing with but not as extremely or???
    Health concerns regarding bacon are goddman hilarious in the UK you know - A few years ago I remember seeing everywhere bacon gave you cancer and you should therefore boycott bacon??? man idk what Brits are on
    Oof I've never had bacon LOL but eggs in the morning is a prettygreat thing - I'm going out in 3 hours ish I might cook some rice + eggs yum
    wow I can't imagine being in that situation - My ma is asthmatic so I've grown up around that lol anYWAYS HOW AREYOu
    My breathing put bluntly is worse today, however I now have this snazzy temporary asthma pump to help me not cough up my lungs (It relaxes the muscles in my lungs or something?? IDK I'm not asthmatic)
    Anyways, I am inlove with that damn pump honestly I feel way better like I still feel sick and gross but I feel like when the breathings rough I can fix it KSKDKSK
    Now works for me as well. Sure, pick up's fine by me. Give me a few seconds to grab your specs and open my gate. Thanks!
    Hi! I'm sorry I wasn't on earlier. We were having dinner & then had to clean/play with our rats. I'll be on for the next couple of hours so if you're available just let me know. Thank you!
    You're welcome! After 5 PM works for me. Just send me a VM when you're available. Thanks a lot!
    Well breathing has never been more stressful!!!!!! I can't breathe in deep or even kind-of-deep without coughing and stuff, but that's still better than yesterday, I should be cleared up mid-week I'd say ):
    Hihi I finished your drawing! <3 It's in my thread in the museum! ^-^ (I would link it but my pc is being weird >:c)
    I feel so bad for not playing with you last night; this flu hit me harder than I expected :(
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