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  • My name is Emerald owo
    But my family tend to call me pearl(because that was what my name was going to be when I was born)
    I'm almost done with the guide. I'm just trying to make it short and sweet lol. I'm also going to mention some artist I commission so you can start getting more art of your bbus since you liked the one I have. I'll just show you one of my characters and you tell me what art style you liked so I can link you.
    Oh my goodness, no. I ended up on the floor so now I have this big muscle ache on my back. There's also this annoying pain in my shoulder. It feels like my bone was trying to crack but stop mid-way so it's this annoying pressure that's there. I tried cracking it myself but nothing so I think it's just my muscle.
    lol honestly idek. i even made a thread about it weeks ago but there were no definite answers. people predict it to be happening on august tho
    hi my luv you seem cool too (thank u for mentioning me it made my year)! :blush: how're you doing today?
    ooo that sounds like you got a good haul, hope u enjoy em, everyone tells me Stardew Valley is rly awesome and basically like Harvest Moon. There's always so many games I wanna get but I feel like I'm always spending money on something else. And oddly enough I barely play games lately. I can't focus long enough to get through them or something, although I'm on the verge of finally finishing Cave Story hahah

    70f is 21c according to google which sounds pleasantly warm, it's only when it gets into the 30's that I can't stand it. xp And happy belated 4th of July!! Did you enjoy it despite the lack of plans? :p I didn't do anything in particular for Canada day either but it was still p nice.

    aaaaaa your dog is gorgeous <33 is he a corgi? *___* as promised here is the most recent pic of my boi

    it's hard to get a good picture of him lol i think he's camera shy

    and I am doing well as a matter of fact :cool: wbu?
    whaaat you sent me another carnation??? :O you're too sweet omg thank you!! :D <33
    & I googled it to see what the name of that little bee-looking Pokémon is and turns out another new Pokémon got revealed lol it's a lizard but it looks like a crocodile so it's cool.

    Hahahah yeah if I'm ever in MN u gotta hook me up with some starbucks!! I used to read a livejournal community by people in the service industry/retail and some of their stories were so wild. I believe it tho, people can be soo terrible to employees, now I always have to call my family out when I see them doing it :v

    sshhh pls you'll make me blush omg thank you.. it's made out of polymer clay (super sculpey to be exact), I got all the supplies several years ago so I could make clay charms but I honestly haven't made very many pff I never know what to make.
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