ooo that sounds like you got a good haul, hope u enjoy em, everyone tells me Stardew Valley is rly awesome and basically like Harvest Moon. There's always so many games I wanna get but I feel like I'm always spending money on something else. And oddly enough I barely play games lately. I can't focus long enough to get through them or something, although I'm on the verge of finally finishing Cave Story hahah
70f is 21c according to google which sounds pleasantly warm, it's only when it gets into the 30's that I can't stand it. xp And happy belated 4th of July!! Did you enjoy it despite the lack of plans?
I didn't do anything in particular for Canada day either but it was still p nice.
aaaaaa your dog is gorgeous <33 is he a corgi? *___* as promised here is the most recent pic of my boi
it's hard to get a good picture of him lol i think he's camera shy
and I am doing well as a matter of fact :cool: wbu?