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  • Aha thank you! I respond quick so I hope I don't become a nuisance.
    Both the pink girl is vandella and the star girl is a new one. I'm thinking of giving her to my friend since she matches her astethic more than what I prefer. I usually create characters base off what I'm interested in. I really like cute things, fancy things(not extremely bland tho, I love features, expressions, and especially urban things. When I create characters I not only want them to be appealing to me but also to people who see them. I try not to make them as boring or too extra but like hey that's actually something!
    oh my stars (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) thank you! I thought they were bland aha
    Flabebe is pretty cute, it took me like over a year to find a white one hahaha still haven't got around to training it up, I want a white Florges. ;o ok i'll keep aiming for that v day post and u just look at your tablet and think about it (○`ω´○)9 maybe try drawing fanart if you're feeling uninspired
    ooo I might like it then, that's mostly all I do on tumblr is look at images B> and yeah Nintendo discontinued wi-fi service for the DS and Wii not that long ago, luckily I never used it. The Wii Shop Channel still works and that's all I care about, i still need to get some of those N64 games!!
    This site called playr had Red/Blue/Yellow on it but I never tried playing it on there so idk if you could save and stuff, I just looked at it yesterday and it was there but now it's gone LOL maybe someday we can play Pokémon on computer screen.. And that's part of what was cool about Pokémon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, just seeing it on a big screen. GameFreak always says they think it's better on handheld but it's pretty awesome on home console too!! they should give the Wii U some love. ;/ I guess we are getting Pokkén Tournament but that's not like a classic game.
    Oh yeahhhh The Wire!! It's so good! I watched it a long time ago. I want to rewatch it now!

    Yess Walking Dead is great! It's probably my favourite show of all time ;_; Hmmmm what other dramas do I watch... I used to watch Sons of Anarchy but I stopped watching for some reason. I still haven't seen the latest season of Game of Thrones so I need to watch that. Oh yeah!! Have you seen Peaky Blinders? It's a historical drama... and Cillian Murphy is in it. I love him :D
    Ohh I see.. How long is the ride? Yep I pretty much only watch American shows haha. But I haven't watched anything in a while. I'm definitely going to be watching walking dead when it comes back on Sunday.. And I've been watching the x-files and it's always sunny in Philadelphia �� what do tou watch?
    (1000 character limit rip)
    Hahaha it's okay I haven't checked it in 10 million years either, I have stuff to post too but I just haven't. I'm aiming to put some stuff up for valentine's day but ehh. @.@ Get using dat tablet though gurl!! you will achieve gr8 things.
    omg I got soo many faves but my tops are Skuntank, Serperior, Wigglytuff (and Jigglypuff ofc), Dragonite, Togekiss, and Pumpkaboo. Wbu? :cool:
    edit: and Feraligatr!!!!
    Ikr!! something about it is just so funny. tbh I only use imgur as an image hosting site, I'm not sure what else it does. :x it looks kind of like reddit?
    It's been like over a week since I played Story of Seasons now too, I need to hurry and pick it up again before I forget what I was doing. I already can't remember what crops needed fertilizing u^u; haha. And the two different versions thing for Fates does make it seem a lot cooler, there's some kind of special edition for it but it's already sold out here.
    Honestly I didn't like Black 2 the first time I played it but it was mostly because I liked Black so much and I was expecting a lot more.. replaying it now a few years later it's actually a pretty great game, I never had Wi-Fi back when it was new so I don't even notice the discontinued wireless services. lmao & idk if you can play it on your pc but you'll be able to play it on your 3DS and that's what's up B))))
    haha yeppp I'm definitely a tupac fan. I would choose tupac over biggie any day!!! (but I love westcoast rap)

    aww have fun in Nebraska! what are you doing there??
    o yeah I got that from this comic hahaha
    (I don't know what it means..) I'm usually bad at strategy games/tactical rpgs so I guess that's why I never tried FE before. I was gonna get Awakening because
    I'm hearing mixed things about Fates, like about it having too much fanservice/being too different from classic FE games and stuff. idk, I guess I'll have to wait until it's out here and get some reviews from people who've played it.
    I'm still gonna try 2 think of some names for you lmao i keep forgetting x_x not much is new really, been stressed and that's about it. I restarted Black 2 so I've just been playing Pokémon lately. the 20th anniversary thing put me in the mood for it maybe, and made me feel old as hell. /sob
    Gonna buy Red version when it comes out on virtual console. :cool:
    Yeahhh the first time he plot his house it was really close to where I wanted it, and then the next 2 tries it moved a few plots closer and closer but I didn't wanna risk it so I just plotted him when he was close enough!!! I actually don't think my original space for him was possible because it would be too close to a PWP + a river so I'm glad I didn't attempt it :p

    I'm soooo stuffed. I just came back from singapore. I was there with my roomie for CNY with her family. I still feel the hot pot in me and it's been 2 days haha.
    AWW! Thank you so much! HOW ARE YOU??
    We haven't talked in ages, and I hope life is treating you well!!
    ksldfjlds!!! <3333 I missed you!! Just leaving a VM!! I hope you've been having a wonderful year!! ; v; <333
    Oh shoot probably missed it :( haha it only took 3 tries to get him into location so I'm really happy about that!!! It's not perfectly in spot but it's right next to Goldie :)
    hahaha you gain them :p the plot resetting for biskit beginssss!!! good thing I logged in today with a new character because he put his house right in my road. i'll check out flight rising after i plot him in. do you post on the forums and stuff too?
    lol, yo... strawberries!! BD
    I don't actually, I have been meaning to give it a try since I heard nothing but good things about Awakening when it came out, but so far the only time I play FE is when I play my tiara child Marth in Smash Bros. Are you playing it rn?
    and I can still try to think of name suggestions for the bunny girl if u need :O
    No one can help me on what I'm going thru....except sleeping
    But they don't want me sleeping much
    I'm not doing great but I'm doing ok
    Surviving all I can
    And thank you :)
    I just decided to shares recipe
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