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  • bahaha it's ok I've seen many people go crazy over collectibles over the years lol :p don't worry about paying me back straight away!
    C: thanksss :D I love your new avatar too, it's lovely o: who drew that?

    what's a btdubs? and ahhh I know, that happens TnT it's fine though o: at least you tried, and thank you for trying :D that doesn't seem like much o:
    Haha thanks :3 I just don't think they're actively cycling... I don't want to bug them lol. I don't know why I always agree to hide and seek! I can't find anyoneeeee. My town has too many trees.
    Hahaha yeah I'm trying that trick where you fill your pockets with flowers and stuff so they don't ask to sell or buy stuff but they keep asking me to change their catchphrase or ask for furniture T.T I've successfully gotten 1 like that in the past 2 days and it was a parabolic antenna -__-. Oh yeah... I still only have 9 villagers. I've been waiting like 3 weeks for this user to cycle Biskit out for me but I think she's like MIA or something so I might have to get him another way ._. I just hope I get no voided villagers (I'm trying to avoid letting ppl into my town until I fill the spot)
    Yep we always charge extra for stuff like that. I'm going to print shirts for my family tomorrow... my brother has a beagle so I made a beagle design :> Ahaha yeah all my friends have already seen the new one.. we're watching it the day after. mannn my villagers are taking their sweet a** time requesting PWPs ;_____;
    Sooooon.. 28th. I'm basically done with work for the year I think... unless we get some crazy last minute order before xmas... actually that seems very likely lol. We're having a star wars marathon on the 25th (my room mates are crazy about it).
    omg ily thank you so much ! ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
    you're adorable and made my night !
    I'm liking the username a lot, hehe.
    Aww i think a lot of ppl have been there, the events/restocks on here can get pretty hectic so it's easy to let yourself get carried away. x) i got p mad missing a couple collectibes in the past haha like the beach party ones. But I'm glad you're not letting yourself get stressed out. :> How did the drawing practice go?? (and what movie was it? :0)
    Oh no, I just closed my eyes then I saw that it was just pixel snow. I do like it though!
    lol oh noo i saw that you missed another, i wasn't gonna tell u but you saw anyway x] i'm rooting for u
    I'm hoping my coffee will help my headache. I hate having to take tylenol or something if I don't have to.
    I'm sorry for suddenly getting kind of like...idk. Like I was. I'm kind of calmed down now, though I have a wicked headache.
    omggg rip Dx
    aaa I was looking at the activity stream and saw Justin post so i was like omg he's back and started refreshing the shop a bunch TvT hopefully he does a couple more before the day is over
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