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  • If the last present hunt is harder than this one I'm not doing any TBT events in the future haha. It's not fun when something is so hard you keep getting angry about it, especially when you want to be able to solve it. It'd be one thing if there wasn't a one day time limit but there is, so you can't even take your time. So mad.
    Ooooh I mis-read/read too fast and thought you were saying it was a place that served hot dogs and tater tots lol. This present thing has my brain fogged.
    I've never heard of that place tbh

    For the present thing I cropped every single image and searched each one on google but that hasn't helped much...I'm really mad, it's too hard and that makes it not fun whatsoever.
    I guess I'll head home now. Hopefully things are calm there. I checked out the third present hunt and I have no clue. I only know one of the people on the photo because he's in kpop lol
    In still not home rn (I'm actually hiding at Target using their wifi) but I figured I could at least message back while I sit here having a snack. The hot dogs here are really good.
    Personally I like pretty much anything made from potatoes and I love popcorn. I could eat it day and night. I'm actually have some now, I got a hot dog, popcorn and a soda.
    ohh o: hmmmmmmm. interesting
    yeppers, i'm in the UK :) currently quite late here haha, past midnight otl
    the only one I recognise there is jeremy corbyn (not to be intrusive, but are you british? because he's a british political guy) and that person from phineas and ferb. o.o
    that's nice :D good luck! i'm awful at creating names to be honest hah

    :D no problemmmm, I was just feeling festive all of a sudden and bam, that happened
    awww thank you so much!! :D
    and no lol i'm really notttt otl it's started and I only understand a part of the clue otl
    for one of my towns, yes. For the other one I'm going for a fantasy, fairy-tale, disney-like town (there will be a LOT of fairy tales!!)
    oh? you are coming up with town names? o: sorry I didn't mean to, I kind of read the two messages from starcults hah otl their avatar caught my eye o:

    also, how are you doing? :)
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