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  • And that's nice I'm probs too chicken to even have something in my eyes like that though considering how accurate you have to be doing that surgery.. Glad it worked well for you though ^^
    Yeah... it might be pretty random but we got to see a documentary during my film studies about the liberation struggle in Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde (and we got to meet one of the directors, like most cool guy and interesting person ever)


    here's a good but a bit long article, but basically liberation movements in those colonial countries doing an uprising against Portugal and organizing themselves to war in the mid-20th century towards and stuff.

    But yeahh basically I started with Luís Cília and then going into other Portuguese singers from that time doing similar music

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpFEn24TyuA (this dude is my old man crush for real haha)
    me too i wanna buy that shop lel xD I wish I could buy more sunglasses though but they need to have my regular one's strength since i'm p much half-blind without them lol
    (the dude himself was from Angola and born during the colonial time(early 40s) and he protested against the wars, you can tell throughout his songs)
    Yeah he's really emotional, especially in those live/tv show performance ones. Yep it's about Portugal's war towards its colonies and people from their colonies being deserters and saying "no" to the wars.

    (might require some portuguese modern/20th century history and politics knowledge to fully enjoy.. but yeah... if you can you could always watch concerning violence, the song is in there and one sequence is during the liberation war in guinea-bissau)
    yeah or they are fake aliexpress crap lol :/

    yeah it's so amazing :O Totally need to get her vinyls someday!
    ME TOO BUT THEY WERE REALLY ugh those weren't good and they were like $5 each like no not felt ones, i mean the cloth rip pretty easily and get gross when it's hot
    Nah it was alright it didn't stretch my smol laptop screen at least haha

    nps! also man why is it so hard to find scrunchies with flowers on them.. like not pattern but just a scrunchie with a cloth/plastic/etc. flower thing on it... found some at the hippie shop but they were expensive and the flowers were felt so eh :/
    Yeah same here, I have a pair of cool velvet paisley flare pants but they are like a half meter too long because I'm so tiny lel

    and yup indeed ^^
    Hmm shoes probably whatever unless they are too long.. shirts maybe brighter ones like my patchwork one but like beige or more nature colors
    Yeah, well nice case I guess? :p Yush I agree ^^

    Well I'd say it is consider how easy I freeze.. It's really airy as well so you don't sweat much either.. so yeah I def. recommend it if you find em around :D
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