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  • that's ok my honey, you can always take your time with me 💖 & i'm not, but i checked it out since you mentioned it and it looks super cute :eek:, may have to check it out some more! i hope you're doing well and keeping safe angel ♥🌟✨
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    I hope you are safe and doing well too, Mog! <3 <3 <3
    HELLO ANGEL, it's nice seeing you again omg, how have you been??? we should play together in nh sometime! i miss u sm, my heart is always warm seeing u around here! ☺ ♥
    hey!! you too bb <3 sorry i will write back soon hehe i can’t get used to this site now on mobile :b
    Oh my gosh, hi! I haven't seen you around in forever but I'm so glad you're back! I took a ~1 year hiatus in 2018 so I missed the PM you sent, but hopefully you're back around for NH and I'll see more of you? Definitely let me know if you ever want to play/trade/whatever, and please keep in touch. :)
    The new site also killed my animated avatar omg it took me 500 years to finally settle on it, now I have to figure out a new one.
    How's things in the world of new horizons so far? B) I paid off all my loans so I've just been working on the town a little but I can't seem to finish Project K, they want way too much furniture and crap placed everywhere to increase my rating hahaha
    Hiiii <333 Sorry I haven't been on here, it seemed like whenever I checked this site it was either loading slow or straight up not working but wow they finally made the switch to 3.0! :O I wanted to reply to your PM and now.. I can't find it... LOL how do I get to private messages? ;A; are they gone? or just disabled? ahjkhdkhkd I'm not good with change! :p
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    I WRITE U BACK SOON <3 xoxo
    I didn't get anyone yet aaaaa rip ; v ;
    and omg NICEEEEEE!!!!and the catalog is going really well!! AND SAME!!! BTW JUST IN CASE!! What's your switch name? Because I went through my friends list since I added some people on here I didn't know (for trading purposes) and went to delete them all because I only want my friends list to consist of people I'm friends with/talk to like you and many of my other friends.
    i hope everyone is doing well and is healthy~if anyone ever needs someone to talk to, my VMs and PMs are always open <3
    omg hi! glad to hear from u angel, hope you've been keeping well! you should gimme ur switch code and maybe we could play together in nh sometime if u'd like hehe <3!
    omg I'm sorry if I spoiled it for you :'D I'd love to trade my cherries for your pears! I think that's one of the fruits I don't have much of. Only one measly pear tree so far because I don't know where else to plant them. My discord is #dizzy1231 :D Did you delete your account? :eek:
    Thankfully, terraforming doesn't require bells. The app is gonna be given to us and we unlock the other features with nook miles! So make sure you save on that :p But the part I'll go broke over is relocating my villagers since it's like 50k to do so. I also make money really slow so I'm hoping I nab a good turnip price so I can start saving up for bigger turnip ventures! I know it's really easy to just buy bells or sell off Nook tickets but i'm trying my best to do everything by bartering and earning it on my own + selling at a town with non-time travelled turnip prices. It's way too easy to just find someone here or on reddit with crazy 500+ turnip prices but I find it more fulfilling if it's within a small group of friends who dont time travel or my own town :'D It's hard but it's a bit more rewarding to me idk :'D
    I can’t wait to terraform because my initial map SUCKS. I didn’t even reset very long for what I wanted (oranges, two south facing rivers) and ended up with cherries because I was too lazy to continue. I also hate roses. Sooo I’m very excited to just tear apart the whole town and essentially start from scratch. I’m going to work on the north first and eventually move my villagers all around the map. That might be way in the future though because firstly I’m broke, and secondly I enjoy having them together right now because it’s easy to find who is crafting what hahaha
    Thanks so much ;//;
    If you could send me a picture of your chara I’d be glad to try to make one for you too.
    Awww the ducks are precious though. Except Quillson... we do not talk about Quillson (I got him :’(((() I actually started landscaping early on because I was bored and went a little crazy after I unlocked fences. But I may be unlocking terraforming tomorrow or the day after so I’m gonna have to tear it down again LOL. I want to terraform some water on the south part near town hall which is already completely landscaped “temporarily”.
    aww ok well let me know if you change your mind :D I'll be looking for a good home for her once she asks to move out. I'm goood I'm catching up on my missed days on my blog. I played a bit too much the past few days :'D I've already hit like 100 hours oh no
    OMG I FEEL YOU JKSFLJDS I think I can find villagers on the island again tomorrow maybe!! Hopefully hahaha just built my campsite!!!

    AND I FEEL YOU SDJFDSKLFSD I'm just doing so much catalog trading like I just don't know where to start fixing things up yet hahaha
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