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  • Decidueye, Mimikyu and Marowak. Marowak was kinda just there to fill the fire-type slot, but he was more ghost than fire-type since everything killed him.
    Ahh it's actually my OC named Arielle, it was just something quick to put as my avatar!
    Then again I wound up with three ghost-types on my team so you probably don't wanna follow my advice.
    I usually just catch a random poke just to fill out a spot and have some kinda type advantage even tho i'll end up dropping it later down the road
    sun & moon? :eek: is it good? aww thats good hes cool about it!! tell me how it goes when you do go on it :D

    its 1:30am here so i will probalby head to bed soon. i was in the middle of writing a kiri blog entry but it was such a boring day i got distracted and stopped. now i'm listening to progressive metal and zoning out u.u
    "TRY MY JUICE" hahaha XD that's literally going to be the name of the bottle as well XD

    haha no worries!! it was a long time ago :'D what you up to? it's saturday night right? did you get to reschedule the date? ^^
    A sore throat is the worst tbh. Just hang in there and try drinking something warm! It's annoying because nothing really makes it feel better. But it'll go away!
    Hiya! Just want to ask before you possibly post..Lol!
    Do you have any spring shamrock collectibles you want to get rid of? I'm looking for 2 more for my lineup. Please let me know, thanks. ^__^
    ohhhh man I love kombucha! i used to make it myself but it got too time consuming. my room mate and i were going to make labels and sell them but we thought that would be kinda sketchy XD nooo I can even dry swallow pills! it's just that I've gotten addicted to prescription pills in the past u.u
    It's kinda like that XD It's something to do with the way it's fermented and it kills bacteria and neutralises ph levels and stuff idk. But I've gotten used to the taste and I really like it. It kind of tastes like kombucha :3 I have very bad history with pills u_u even with my period I usually just try and go through the pain now a days
    HAHA i should XD probably a silly coincidence in the game but it's just hilarious

    dude i don't think i've ever gotten a flu shot before u______u i really should though. ACV tea is apple cider vinegar + hot water + honey and lemon :) it's my cure-all for everything from colds to headaches to indigestion etc. but it's really effective as a preventative measure not really a "cure" i guess. but i swear it works!!! i made that tea and it cured my friends food poisoning. you can even wash your hair in ACV and use it as face toner. I know it sounds gross, but it really dooes work, unless i'm crazy XD
    It sucks that you're sick though! Especially on the weekend... Do you have a cold or something? I hope you feel better soon. :<
    OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT THIS ***** XD I gave Opal a beaded shirt for her birthday which she said she surprisingly loved... and she gave me a freakin beaded shirt in the mail the next day. did she just regift me?! XD

    aww hope yours is nothing serious... man swollen that doesn't sound good! it's flu season here I think. everyone I know is getting sick including my room mate. im gonna be chugging ACV tea all night hahah
    Aaa I hope you'll be able to find motivation again at some point! It's nice having you in the thread!
    oh noooo :( was it a cold or something?? feel better u_u; I'm falling sick right now which is annoying because I just recovered from a cold recently D:
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