tinytaylor Feb 22, 2014 (Also the 2 day date is just a reply date to make sure you still wanted them :3 )
tinytaylor Feb 22, 2014 So sorry it's been a busy weekend. I should be available today but maybe not for an hour or two my grandma is coming into town
So sorry it's been a busy weekend. I should be available today but maybe not for an hour or two my grandma is coming into town
tinytaylor Feb 20, 2014 Aw geez I forgot I have an event after school tomorrow so I won't be able to give them to you then (I may have an hour I can get on tomorrow) how's Saturday?
Aw geez I forgot I have an event after school tomorrow so I won't be able to give them to you then (I may have an hour I can get on tomorrow) how's Saturday?