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  • I won't spoil anything for you then! <3 (But it is worth it, it has a lot darker feeling to it than previous games)
    Guess what! I got Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright! Are you jealous? =p
    Thanks, my birthday was yesterday for me now though. I don't think there has been any bad VM's between me and someone else.
    I noticed that you have been looking at my profile. Why are you spying on me? :0
    Is there a way to get rid of the messages completely? Just says this message has been deleted by Prof Gallows.
    Could you please remove all my visitor messages? (Ones I have sent and received) Might stay on the site for now, since it is great.
    Shame really, guess I will be leaving the site now. Wish there was a way, like banning this account first and I'll just use the new one.
    I feel like I rushed into posts and didn't think about anything. You can ban or delete this account if you want, love the site by the way.
    Can I please make a new account? Plus, I'm getting this security thing a load.
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