Officer Berri Mar 29, 2013 Just as soon as I get my 3DS re-connected to the internet we could play some scare scraper. Though I'm really only open to play between the hours of 8 am to around noon EST before I can get a job. xD
Just as soon as I get my 3DS re-connected to the internet we could play some scare scraper. Though I'm really only open to play between the hours of 8 am to around noon EST before I can get a job. xD
Nightray Mar 17, 2013 Ooooh yeeeah - duude, you should totally get into those MLG kinda gaming teams and make money for it, y'know get famous! =D dooo eeettt
Ooooh yeeeah - duude, you should totally get into those MLG kinda gaming teams and make money for it, y'know get famous! =D dooo eeettt
Nightray Mar 17, 2013 sipppan on tea. =3 + music + tv and trolling tbt! haven't been here in awhile o= not that it makes a difference. Haha. whaaat's up wittth youu?
sipppan on tea. =3 + music + tv and trolling tbt! haven't been here in awhile o= not that it makes a difference. Haha. whaaat's up wittth youu?
J J jonsketchupbottle Jan 31, 2013 I saw one of your posts, so I thought I would add you on you on my 3DS and I hope you will do the same. My friend code is 1375-7442-4958
I saw one of your posts, so I thought I would add you on you on my 3DS and I hope you will do the same. My friend code is 1375-7442-4958
Kaiaa Jan 27, 2013 I just have to say your avatar made my day lmao a pickled piccolo =p And by the way, Happy Birthday! Have a good one!
I just have to say your avatar made my day lmao a pickled piccolo =p And by the way, Happy Birthday! Have a good one!