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  • Seems like pretty powerful stuff. If it's not helping I think you can still take zzzquil along with it (since zzz doesn't have much medicine along with it other than the sleepy stuff) but I would ask your doctor first. I can tell you that you can take zzz with alcohol and still be ok the next morning. Or extra zzz. (or THC but you can take THC with anything and be dandy) But other than that I'm pretty clueless what it can be mixed with.
    Sent them a Q regarding that now so hope they got it and can guide me in the right direction. Not a fan when they don't type things out properly if they actually mean to ship worldwide etc.
    Ah, alright. Guess I could always contact them or try placing an order and see what they say. From the little they mentioned seems like they do even if it might take to process or stuff. And yeah indeed they had lotsa cool things.
    yo, probably a bit random but do ya know if that site ships worldwide /tiedye stuff you rec'd last night? Tried reading their sections but they just briefly mentioned that ..guess I could try order one or two things since they're not terrible expensive though, lol.
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