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  • Perfectly fine with me, thanks. :3

    I'll send that over right away, check to make sure we've added each other's FCs, then open my gates.
    Oh, sure! Thanks, no worries. I can open my gates to Deep 13 anytime now-- how much TBT would you want for those three?
    rice balls

    Any way I could pay you TBT ahead of time for these, and open Deep 13 for a dropoff when I'm able to get online in about a half-hour? Or some other time that works for ya, I'm not picky. :3
    Oh okay! Sorry again though =/. If I find the Wall and Floor I will let you know and send them your way!
    So apparently I am wrong =/. The floor and the wall are also melody and I didnt know since when I went to the RV it did not let me order them. But some people are saying it is and that they were able to order it. So I did not give you the full set. (I am sorry) Would you like 100 TBT back?
    Sure thing! Let me just get your friend code and I am sure you saw mine xD! In about 5 mins I will open my town and your welcome to come in ^^! Make sure to sent the TBT Bells as you pick up your items :D!
    I have 2 of the Melody Sets so if you still want one I can go ahead and do the 300 TBT for 1 set :3!
    Hello Pug, sorry for late reply:( you are more than welcome to visit my town when the server is up again.
    I tried to go but it says there's something going on with maintenance. I have no idea if it's across the board or just mine.
    You will be next for your items! I will send a message when you can open
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