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  • Looks like your inbox is full!

    How many of each would you be interested in? I currently have all of the fruit in the game, so I am not looking for a trade at this time, just in-game bells!

    Would 750/ea be an alright number?
    200 is perfect! ^^ take your time, no worries at all! the system will sort itself out eventually :3 xx
    hello! you won a mini prize in my sanrio sets giveaway! (you get the choice of one sanrio set) please let me know when would be a good time for me to drop them off in your town! thank you so much and congrats c:
    I would like to apologize to the people that never got items from my trading spring cleaning. Tell me how many bells you got and I will send them back. I have been extremely inactive and dealing with things at home. My apologies.
    Good evening~ Just wondering if I ever got the items. I have the memory of a goldfish ;.;
    hi im online.. lmk when you are, just VM me.. ill keep my page open, and keep refreshing to see if you write :)
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