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  • Hi, I would love to trade with you but the other things on the list is unorderable except cat tower, you okay with that?
    Ugh, I'm sorry, but when he pinged me and I tried to let him go, he got mad and decided to stay -_-
    no wonder i couldn't find you, I forgot to add you hahaha
    sorry, I'll be right there. ^.^
    Thank you. I just crack 7mill, so it's working. It's slow, but it's fun. I am surprised how few people aren't good for their word so far. That's been a pleasant surprise.
    Not your fault. My brain can only keep info in it for so long, so I had to patchwork it back together again while all the kings men were still around. =)
    ugh, that sucks. I have to put these things back with my 4 different villagers in case someone buys or there's no way I can figure out where the stuff is when I need to deliver it.

    I hope your wifi is ok.
    No problem, I have far from all, but I have a few. I'm going to open my gates soon.

    Please make sure to drop when you pick up or I'll be even less likely to put it all back correctly, lol
    I am, ok I'll start working on it and then PM you when I have everything I have? It could take about I dunno, 20 minutes or a little more?
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