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  • I know! Really I have never spent long long periods of time finding villagers. I just miss them. But this will be a new experience. I'll have one nutty town.
    Yeah but it's no biggie. I already have Molly and Fauna's pics from the first time they lived with me lol. So I'll be fine. I already have Peanut, Blaire, Pecan, and now Sally chasing Filbert around and I love it :p
    Yeah I had Peanut, Blaire, and Pecan recently all in town at the same time and realized I really love the squirrels so I'm going for it. Problem is now my last 4 villagers to move out are Chevre, Goldie, Fauna, and Molly. This won't be easy. Oh and don't make Peanut jealous. I could see her having a crazy side. After all, she draws eyebrows on with lipstick sometimes.
    I thought that you will be busy by the time I move someone out so I posted there just in case. But now that I know that you are still good, I'll just let you know when I'm ready to pick him up. c: Thanks c:
    Yeah I guess. He better be because this is my 3rd time having him in my town lol. But now that I'm doing an all squirrel town my villagers will finally be staying put for a while.
    aw :( mine plotted down the path from mine. Not quite by Peanut but no big deal. Peanut has already mentioned him in conversation :p
    You are so welcome! They're looking for trades but 200,000 bells is an option. I'm sure you have that but if not I can give it to you. I can't let you not get that amazing squirrel. Once you get her you'll want Filbert, her bf, too XD
    That's no problem at all! I know how busy college is, as I'm currently busy preparing for an exam as well. There is no hurry at all c:
    Hi, I'm trying to move someone out, but I do have some dreamies that I would like to keep, so the process is going really slow. But I'll make sure that I move someone out to make space for Lyman c: Thank you so much once again c:
    Thanks so much! Let me know if you need anything, hybrids or BTB or something else, I would like to do something for you too to show how much I appreciate this! c:
    That's awesome!! Thanks for helping me check! My town is currently full, so I hope to get someone out before Lyman moves out c:
    Thanks again!!
    Hi, thank you for the message! I would be happy to take Lyman off your hands when he is moving out! And I don't mind if he is original, as long as his house is not filled with bugs and fishes, haha. Do let me know when he is in boxes, I really appreciate that c:
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