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  • Thank you so much for the extra tbt! :3 But did you not want to trade also? I thought we were going to xc
    Transferring the money would talked about 12 trips, but I believe can I use the abd at your town.
    That's a lot more than I thought. Currently I'll take just 25 blue, the 20 pink and the 15 purple, if you come make some more purple and pink so it evens out 25 each that would be great. I would mostly likely ask for more, but I want to layout my town first before I request more roses.

    And for pricing I said I'd pay 500k for each hybrid, doing out the math it came out to 30mil(304 bags of bells) for 25 blue, 20pink, and 15 purple. A lot of bells lol, but if your okay with that amount, I can do the trade tonight, most likely midnight, or tm morning.
    I won't be able to trade to later tonight or tm morning... Currently at work. And how many hybrids do you have, I willing to take as many as you can offer me.
    Hey, I noticed you replied on your shop thread, but the message wont show :/ Just wondering, if it was a reply to my order? Apologies if not. Thanks ^^
    How about this. Maybe you can put it back up for offers to see if anyone else has a better offer, but if no one offers better I can claim it on Monday afternoon when I should definitely be available. I'd be available tomorrow but if you decide to do this it would give more time for offers.
    Yes, as 12m IGB takes a while to transfer, but TBT just takes an instant. But if it would be ok with you, could I just not buy the 7/11 set for now? I feel like that is what is making this trade so difficult to do. >.<
    I'm in EST. I'm so sorry that these schedule conflicts keep happening it's not usually like this like I said. >.< Would there be any chance that you'd accept TBT bells? That way the trade wouldn't be as long and you could redeem them for IGB or use them for whatever else.
    We may be able to, but I have to work from 4-10 on Saturday, so we'd have to trade in the early afternoon on Saturddsy.
    Hi! I'm /so so so so so/ sorry but I totally forgot about our trade. Could we do it sometime during the day Friday?
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