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  • LOL XD I like to do that too! And me either, infact, I don't think I've done that to anyone. It's because we met from met at the Train Station because you were holding my stuff :p
    All I remember is the last thing I sid before I left was "**** u" LOL. I don't normally have bad memory, but lately I have :\

    Watcha mean :p
    I guess it's because we relaaate and stuff lol.

    Also, I'm tired of being mean to people on ct. Someone was annoying me so much I cussed them out and now I'm scared :\
    I don't wanna troll because I don't want to end up on those "AC:NL club Tortimer Blacklist" tumblr pages xD So I'll just be sassy and be mean (like last night, someone wanted to tour, and when they were about to sit I got off and said "no")
    Lol I don't mind that he asked me those questions, but the "do you love me" just made the whole thing creepy.

    Also, it doesn't say you're open :\
    Yeeaahh, now that I think about it, he was such a creep. He asked me if I was gay, then asked for my age, and asked if I loved him and other stuff...... When he asked for my age I said -15 xD He was getting pissed off since I was being a smart ass lol
    Yeah I just did since he was irritating me so freaking much. He kept doing the sad emote. And I asked to do a tour and I'd pay him if he did, then I DC'd lol.

    Your town since I'm already waiting to see who's open :p
    Sure, and Ikr XD Jeez, I mean, you're on the island, if you need money just catch bugs!

    OMFG I posted this thing on place your random thoughts/what's bothering you about me on ct and it's so funny xD (it was like 12 hours ago though)
    I usually watch that every once in a while. The ones I remembered was the Tourette's episode, and this once where there was a Chinese and Japanese restaraunt next to each other and they kept fighting XD
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