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  • Oh wow, that must be difficult xD And Justin Beiber is confusing, so I try not to pay attention to him. :p

    Ehh, that's what I thought, I'm sorry. :\ As long as you follow the saying "Don't mess with people who make your food" your fine. :)
    Oh my god!! I remember that XD

    Don't you have to have one of those wooden thingies that wraps around it? I think we have those but we use it as decoration instead of cooking supply. Also, how come you don't want to go to Pizza Hut anymore?
    Eww, I don't think anything like that happened to me. The worst was finding a hair in fruits my parents cut up. I read a story once, and uhh.... basically this guy pissed off one of the workers at Pizza Hut, and uh... Idk how to say this with out getting in trouble.... basically the worker he pissed off had aids and he uh... put some of his semen in the pizza before ovening it. Can you make sushi? I tried to make a rice ball once and failed miserably, :( my mom makes it look so easy....
    Oh god, I don't even want to think about that.......

    I think they do the same with hot dogs. We don't have In n' Out where I live, or not that I know of. I don't really know what to trust anymore, so I choose to go to Pizza Hut or Panda Express lol. (Mostly panda because I heard stories of people doing something gross to the pizza before they oven it x_x)
    So basically what McDonald's does in their fries (and other stuff, but fries come to mind)? And I might of heard of that company, but there are a lot more noodle companies that come to my mind though.

    I guess people would do what ever it takes to survive, no matter how gross it is....
    Ew, that reminded me when a few days ago I saw a dead cat on the road :( It was still "fresh (like it got ran over a few minutes before I saw it). What's msg? I'm reading an article about it right now, but it's too long and and it's weird how it said something about Chinese food and then it said "to achieve it's 'umami' flavor", even though umami is a Japanese word.
    When I said "that's freaky" and something else I don't remember. :confused:
    And tbh I don't really like coconuts xD I'll just go make a can of chili :p
    Oh, no lol. Idk, every week, like once a week, I just start feeling down for no reason. :p And also yeah yesterday I felt like I insuted/embarrassed myself yesterday. Don't worry about it, I think they forgot about it by now. :)

    The problem is, there's nothing to eat except Chili or something. We DO have stuff, but I want stuff that's fast to make + isn't sweet lol. Also, someone adopted Maple :\ Thank you so much for the head's up though :)
    Again? Sigh... I guess it can't be helped, work always must come first! So sit down and do your homework, young lady! :D
    Hey, sorry for the late reply. I haven't been feeling good mentally for the past day. :(

    You have wonderful drawings! :D I love the first and last sketch. :) And your dinner made me hungry since all I had today was a small bowl of french fries and a can of Pepsi.
    Hahah that is interesting to know, however I'm not familiar with Jojo, the person in my avatar is a character of mine drawn by honeyprince. :p Regardless, thank you very much for the birthday wishes!
    It's ok, tbh I didn't think you said anything rude :p

    Tbh I thought you were in 12th grade lol. You seem really mature (in a good way ;))
    You don't have to show me if you don't want to :p I'm scared to post the pink eye photo I have since it's super zoomed up on my face and you can see all my pimples and, ew....
    What, that's not nice. D: I'm not confident either, I hate when people ask me stuff like, "Do you have any friends?" "Why don't you go out more?" "Why are you so quiet?". In my head I'm like "*****, why do you have so many friends, go out so much, and talk to much?" lol
    I've only posted there once, but it was a joke and I put a picture of a toilet lol. I deleted it and put "never mind" because it was unnecessary lol. I think you should do what I'm doing and post there only if you feel confident enough. I'm still scared to post there, but if I do I'll probably post a gross picture of me when I had pink eye 2 weeks ago.
    Lol, tbh the only time I saw a chameleon was at a zoo :p I guess it's because I don't go out a lot, especially to the forest-y parts. :p And I don't go to the beach because it's hot and I don't like taking off my clothes xD It's boring in Hawaii if you lived here for a wile, it's only fun if you're a tourist or you like the layed-back lifestyle :l I mean, I like layed-back stuff but I feel like people here are WAY too layed-back. Also the island I live on doesn't have a lot of fun things like Oahu :\
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