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  • Okay, I will probably be at home all day tomorrow :)
    What time zone do you live in? I live in sweden, so I live in GMT+2 (i think), so anytime during the day tomorrow is fine with me! C:
    Aw, thank you! I'm still very much in the beginning of making it what I'd like it to be, but I'm really happy you thought it was nice! :D
    I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
    After a while, I figured nobody would respond, so I ended up getting off for a while. I don't think she is in my town, anymore, but if I see her, I'll let you know.
    Once again, I'm super sorry.

    Oh! Well, I feel like a derp. Well, I added you and my gates are open. I'm arranging my house, so you can stop by, and if I'm not by my station, head to my house. I'll take you to becky, and we'll see if she wants to head on over to your place, no bells necessary. ^^


    So...forgive me, I don't know what TT means. She isn't in boxes yet. I've been kind of waiting for her to ping so I can have her leave. I'll add you, though, and open my gates. I'll be on for awhile, (sorry for the late responses), and then you can stop by whenever. Can you post your FC address on my wall so I know when you're coming? She's been inside all day, so this is sort of perfect. I can take you right to her house. ^^


    Hello! I wasn't thinking of selling her until you asked, honestly. I'm not sure how near she is to pinging, but if you'd like her, you can stop by and see if maybe she'll want to move to your town. I really don't want her in my town and that'll free up a new slot for a new villager.

    I just keep missing you :p I'll be on and off for the rest of the night if you'll be on! I think I'll be on sometime tomorrow. She hasn't left my town yet either. She's been in town for 2 straight days :p
    Sure thing, go ahead and add me and I'll open the gates when you say you are ready. ^^
    If you still need signatures for Bones, you are welcome to my town. ^^'
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