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  • You do know I meant like selling GFX alongside Pokemon, right? xD
    Of course I'll sell some to you too lol
    Sure, sounds fun. Saw your thread, I could also sell GFX stuff if you need someone to.
    im trying to work on your signature rn and the problem im running into is the font you want me to use and all of my other fonts dont have the star symbol and it's just showing up as a box so i don't know what you would like me to do :3
    No prob Niji! And oh cool :) yeah, she told me that she was gonna donate ;) Btw I'm gonna donate some bells to you rn
    Ok, so I believe I went through all of the pages in the Team Pokemon thread, and I gave the news by VM to the members. I didn't give the news to some of the members though, because they seemed to be inactive for a while and stuff. Also, there was one member who I couldn't tell the news to because I couldn't VM or PM him :eek: and Nightmares already saw the news because I saw her posting on the Team Pokemon thread about the news and stuff some days ago, so I didn't give her a VM. Other than that, I think I told everyone that I could about the news :)
    so original i r8 8/8 m8
    Im homeschooled, started spring break on friday. going back to public school next year
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