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  • Same. A lot of disagreements in my family, and a lot of things happening.
    I've been better, but I have been worse.
    ok I just need a little bit of time because you did order the card set it seemeda few other things from me or you changed it at some point but whatever the case may be I have had your order for sometime and I never heard back from you. I understand about family. I am just a little irked right now as it seem to be like you were trying tostart some issues whether that is the case or not i just need a day to proccess things. I am a very forgiving person. I believe people make mistakes and can be forgiven. just give me a day to deal with things is all I ask. if you still want your order that is fine, if you don't that is fine to but I honestly was trying to help you in the PM I sent you. I meant every word I said and i do go above and beyond what most people on this site do to try and help others. with that said i hope you can see my point of view is all. I apologize as well for whatever part I may have played.
    ok your order stuff from my shop, I try to be there for you as a friend because you ASKED for my help then you order almost the same thing from a different shop when I have HAD your order ready for days now???? wth man???
    If it gets too hot there might be humidity and water particles that might get into the 3DS and too cold can cause the game to freeze up and when it melts some water can sink in the device, just in case though, you will probably be fine c:
    Haha studio ghibli movies are my favourite, so it's the first thing that came to mind when coming up with a town. c:
    were you still interested in francine? i'm ready now if you'd like to come get her.
    hey! I'm going to open my gates but I'll be afk (need to keep an eye on the cake) feel free to come & get her and you can leave when you're done (✿◠‿◠)
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