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  • I just have lunch with my crush XD
    Ooh, when is it happening? I don't want to miss it :c
    Also was the Christmas dinner thing in-game today? Or it hasn't happened yet?
    Hi Niji! I made a form for your Christmas Palooza. Also, they're telling you Luca & I got divorced, lol.. We got divorced the first week of November?? I think.. I'm not sure. We got divorced because he was 16 and I'm 11. He doesn't do large age gaps XD
    Oh ok XD :p and wait, Lucanosa and Sugarella were MARRIED ON TBT? *faints*

    *revives myself*
    I...did not know that
    Is Sugarella actually your sister in law and is Lucanosa your big brother irl? :eek: I'm pretty sure not, but just asking...lol
    *peeps* hellooo I see you are recruiting new people in the pokemon team, do you think I could join? ;u;
    Well I want to participate in that mistletoe event lol
    I'm sure I'll get some laughs out of that haha
    Oh that's cool!
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