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  • hey!
    i would, but i do not have much tbt left haha im tryin to save it :/ sorry
    Hmmm it seems our timezones are different. Maybe try for 2 more days and if it doesn't work out give it to the other person who bid?
    if you could find me a rainbow striped background, then that would be easier for me. As i do not make any of the backgrounds that I use xD
    I'm actually not a very good artist because I've been doing art since I was like 5 years old, now I'm 26. with all these years of experience I should be MUCH better than that, but I'm not. I'm quite happy with how I colour but my drawing skills are kind of lacking.
    but in the end if it's something you enjoy doing (I do very much) then guess that's all that matters, right?

    good luck to you with the contest *thumbs up*
    I would buy her, but my town is full :( Thanks for offering though. Very nice!
    Sorry for the late reply, I was sleeping. I'm ready to give you the payment now, though! And can we do it in my town? :D
    hey! sorry i was asleep ahaha
    Wow thats so exciting!!

    Is there a specific reason i need to come to ur town? Because Im really busy all day today :((sorry if we had like a trade and i forgot haha)
    Moving is always difficult. I actually moved too, not too long ago. It was such a pain to pack all of my things. :/ Are you excited for your new place?
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