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  • would it be okay for me to drop off the payment at your town after? my town is very messy and full of stuff so it'll be hard to put down 2.8 mil..

    opening my gates after you reply to this~
    omg no need to wrap them!! I prefer them being dropped eheh.. adding you now and opening gates in a while~
    hmm... is 150k the lowest you can go for each clover? because it would total to 3.6 mil and I don't have the budget to buy it at that price.... would 120k each be fine..?
    Okay, no one wanted Midge, so I'll add you and you can come over and pick her up. My FC is 0662 3125 7745
    So he now has a moving date as well. ^^

    I'll add your FC now. Would you like to pick him up first or would you like me to come get Cookie?
    I am!
    Roscoe does not seem to want to leave. Ugh -.- I'm still trying to get a ping from him.
    Also, he changed his catchphrase to Marshal's "sulky." Sorry about that :(
    Everything else is still original ~
    I'll add your FC and open my gates, just come over and take Kyle when you're ready; I'll be afk!

    Feel free to run, but pleas don't talk to the other villagers or take anything ^-^! Trusting you on this, so :eek:
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